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1st International Medicine Olympiad

August 1st to August 3rd, 2016


2nd International Medicine Olympiad

August 8th and August 9th, 2020


IMDO, the International Medicine Olympiad, is an international biology competition that strives to bring together the best high school biology students from around the world for a friendly but intense competition in the spirit of the Olympic Games. IMDO tests competitors’ knowledge in medicine-related fields of biology, namely molecular and cell biology and human physiology, as well as human disease. The competition itself is divided into two parts: an individual competition consisting of a series of multiple choice exams, and a team competition in the format of the Science Bowl. Both top-performing teams and individuals will be awarded trophies amd medals and be recognized as among the best in the world. The goals of IMDO are to stimulate a desire to learn more about the workings of the cell and the human body among today’s youth, to inspire these youth to care more about their fellow human beings through the studying of the diseases that afflict humanity and cause human suffering, and to encourage these youth to pursue careers in medicine, healthcare, and biomedical research.

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