The Medicine Olympiad
Messages to Competitors and Coaches of 2021 IMDO:
July 27th, 2021
Registration officially closed.
IMDO Announcement (7/31 & 8/1, 2021)
Dear 2021 IMDO Competitors and Coaches,
We would like to warmly welcome you to the 2021 IMDO!
On July 31st and August 1st, 2021, high school students from around the world will compete in an international scientific Olympiad that is most relevant to today’s world, a world ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic and facing the prospect of a global health disaster as the result of climate change. For 2 days, the young competitors of the 2021 IMDO from around the world will unite to affirm the importance of medical science to all humanity, not only now but also in generations to come.
Please be sure you are thoroughly familiar with all 3 documents now available on the following webpage: www.usmdo.org/documents
The 2021 IMDO has 2 components: 1) the 3 online exams on Molecular Cell Biology, Human Physiology and Human Disease, and 2) the Medicine Bowl.
The times for the 3 online exams:
U.S. Pacific Time: 5 pm to 7:10 pm
U.S. Mountain Time: 6 pm to 8:10 pm
U.S. Central Time: 7 pm to 9:10 pm
U.S. Eastern Time: 8 pm to 10:10 pm
England Time: 1 am to 3:10 am
Germany/Egypt Time: 2 am to 4:10 am
Turkey/Moldova Time: 3 am to 5:10 am
Dubai Time: 4 am to 6:10 am
India Time: 5:30 am to 7:40 am
Bangladesh Time: 6 am to 8:10 am
Vietnam/Thailand Time: 7 am to 9:10 am
China/Hong Kong Time: 8 am to 10:10 am
Australia Time: 10 am to 12:10 pm
The times for the Medicine Bowl (Please note, all times PDT);
Preliminary round: 8 am PDT
First round: 9 am PDT
Round of 16: 10 am PDT
Quarterfinal: 11 am PDT
Semifinal: 12 noon PDT
Championship/Consolation Round: 1 pm PDT
Registration for the competition is not finalized until the competition fee is paid. For those teams that have not yet done so, please pay the registration fee of $200 at https://www.gofundme.com/f/science-competitions Fee waiver request will only be granted in extraordinary circumstances.
Coaches, please let all team members know that from now on all messages will be posted on the IMDO website, www.usmdo.org We will also arrange a practice session for the Medicine Bowl in the next few days.
We look forward to seeing all of you at the competition!
Best regards,
Organizers of the 2021 IMDO
July 29th, 2021
Dear 2021 IMDO Competitors and Coaches,
The instructions for the 3 online exams on July 31st will be emailed to the designated coaches from a testing agency soon. Please be on the lookout for it. Thank you!
The Zoom ID’s and passcodes for the Medicine Bowl matches will be available on this webpage:
Please make sure all the competitors can access this webpage.
There are still several registered teams who have not yet paid the registration fee. We will follow up with you today. The hard cutoff for registration fee payment will be July 30th, at noon PDT. (We will also continue to follow up with teams whose payments are missing in transit or who requested a waiver because of extraordinary circumstances.)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Organizers of the 2021 IMDO
July 30th, 2021
Medicine Bowl Practice Sessions
Dear 2021 IMDO Participants,
If you still have questions about the rules of the Medicine Bowl or would like to have some practice, we offer 2 practice sessions today (7/30) at:
The 2 practice sessions’ contents are the same. Each practice session will last approximately 1 hour.
The Zoom Meeting ID and passcode for both practice sessions are:
Zoom Meeting ID: 205 351 5950
Passcode: biology
Best regards,
Organizers of the 2021 IMDO
July 30th, 2021
2021 IMDO Competition Information
Dear 2021 IMDO Competitors,
This is an email regarding instructions for tomorrow’s IMDO competition. It will be held from 5PM-7:30PM PST on July 31, 2021, and will be through online quiz forms. We will be using Google Forms with Autoproctor. Autoproctor is pretty strict overall, and below is an email regarding what to do to not be flagged with Autoproctor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoAqvp5rkEM
If this email is going to a coach, please share this with your students. If this is to a student, please pay attention to the rest of the email as it contains information regarding the exam.
The IMDO exam consists of 3 parts:
Cell Biology: 50 minutes, 60 questions -> exam portal will be open from 4:50PM-6:00PM PST on July 31, 2021, but the student only gets 50 minutes total (so please be taking the exam by 5:10PM PST). The exam portal link is: https://www.autoproctor.co/tests/start-test/BF8a85OL4h. You are recommended to enter the exam asap to set up Autoproctor.
Human Physiology: 50 minutes, 60 questions -> exam portal will be open from 5:40PM-7:00PM PST on July 31, 2021, but the student only gets 50 minutes total (so please be taking the exam by 6:10PM PST). The exam portal link is: https://www.autoproctor.co/tests/start-test/MEkYqmjisi. You are recommended to enter the exam asap to set up Autoproctor.
Human Diseases: 30 minutes, 40 questions -> exam portal will be open from 6:30PM-7:30PM PST on July 31, 2021, but the student gets only 30 minutes total (so please be taking the exam by 7:00PM PST). The exam portal link is: https://www.autoproctor.co/tests/start-test/Zg4RFWcncQ. You are recommended to enter the exam asap to set up Autoproctor.
In each part of the exam, you will be asked to fill out your name, your team name, and your email. Please keep this information consistent throughout the three parts, or else our online grading system will miss parts of your exam. The software also tracks your email when you take the exam, so please have consistent emails throughout the entire exam.
Again, from above, the exam will be proctored by Autoproctor. Please review the link above for Autoproctor so that you understand how to properly take your exam.
The IMDO Team
July 30th, 2021
2021 IMDO Competition Information
Hi all,
A few clarifications:
1. All exams will be proctored using Autoproctor today. There is no Zoom link (too many exam takers this year for that unfortunately). Autoproctor has a few finicky things associated with it so I would recommend everyone take a look at the youtube video I sent in the last email before the exam. Additionally, we allotted extra time on each of the exams (you can see that the exam windows are larger than the time limits) so that you can figure out Autoproctor. It is relatively simple to use and pretty standardized, but if you have any trouble, please reach us on this email (medicineolympiad@gmail.com). We will review every case brought to us, and for issues regarding the proctoring software (should not be many problems at all but just in case) we have backup test portals through google we can send you. This may mean that you have slightly less time depending on when we resolve the issues, but given our test runs, we do not anticipate many issues at all.
2. Each question is worth 1 point. Your score will be the summation of the total number of questions you get right, with some penalties from Autoproctor associated with their trust score (essentially if your trust score is below a certain threshold - and we will be giving a relatively generous threshold - we will start to deduct from exam score depending on how bad the trust score is. We hope we do not end up having any trouble on this front, but if we do, we will give test takers an opportunity to challenge the decision based on the evidence from Autoproctor). There is no penalty for guessing.
3. Our testing suite is run through Google, and so you must be able to access Google in some way. If you are in an area that does not allow Google, you may need to use a VPN or we may have to find another solution together.
Again, if there is any trouble, please reach us at this email and we will try to figure it out with you ASAP. This is the first year we have experienced this much interest in the IMDO, and so we are using more technical tools to help us - as such there may be some technical difficulties this year (though we have not spared effort in finding and fixing these). If you hit a technical difficulty, we will be here to try to sort through them.
-The IMDO Team
July 30th, 2021
Medicine Bowl Teams
Dear Coaches and Competitors,
The list of teams competing in the Medicine Bowl on 8/1/2021 is now available to view at the following link: www.usmdo.org/teams
We anticipate having 32 teams in the competition.
If there are multiple teams from the same high school on the list, we differentiate them using the first name of the first competitor on the registration form.
The match-ups for the preliminary round at 8 AM PDT on 8/1 will be available soon.
Best regards,
2021 Medicine Bowl
July 30th, 2021